Saturday, April 7, 2012

find God by the way of desire

“Let me seek you by desiring you, and desire you by seeking you; let me find you by loving you, and love you in finding you.” -Anselm

I would leave you with this: his way is a way of the heart. His desires for you go far beyond any logic he has. Because he desires you, his eye is always fixed on you. It may be more accurate for us to say “He sees us” than “He seeks us”; in a sense, he needn’t seek us since he is already with us. If he seeks us, he simply seeks our seeking him, which is to say he desires that we would desire him.

We do not find God any other way than by the way of desire. If you have no desire to find God you will not find him. If you do, you will. It really is that simple. We needn’t add books nor magazine subscriptions to the equation.

We have been returning to this theme over and over again, but that is only because we have yet to really learn to rest in it: there is only God and his love for us. That is all that matters. Therefore, we can only find him by loving him and once we find him all he wants us to do is go on loving him.

We want to add to that because it somehow seems more exciting to us, but what is more boring: talking about how to love God or just loving God?

Just love God; he just loves you. Just give him your heart; he has given you his. I risk boring you with the simplicity of this because I want to risk the chance that you’ll actually lay hold of the offer. You don’t need to complicate this further.

Either way, we needn’t worry, because tomorrow we’ll remember he defeated death. This means he’ll go on loving you, whether you love him or not. And that is never boring.

God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

1 comment:

VBryan said...

Thanks for the great reminder. Love in intent really falls short; it's "almost love." (Sometimes the "box" that we need to step out of is our own head!)