Tuesday, April 3, 2012

kindle love

Kindle love in my darkness and make me glow.

Love is sufficient to light up a room. Words are not necessary; just the presence of a soft heart. Even infants have the capacity to love. They cannot be anything other than unconditional lovers, therefore they may be the purest lovers. They will take any amount of love that comes to them in any form, without complaint. Maybe this is why most rooms brighten when a new baby enters, carried by her mother or father. I have seen even the hardest hearts soften when faced with a guileless child.

We needn’t glow to the extent of lighting an entire valley; even one small birthday candle stirs cheer in the largest of families. We needn’t shine to provide even enough light for study, unless the object of your study be the face of your Lover. Books are not needed here. Indeed, they may be a distraction. It is possible for a book to hinder the path of love, even this book you've been reading these past weeks. A tea light is enough to form a circle of light that is just the right size for two. It is enough to assure you that you are not alone, that there will always be Another right by your side. You can light the candle anywhere and you will always discover him. The candle is love, just love, nothing more.

When the candle is unlit, God is still there—we just don’t know it.

Light the candle of love, or ask him to light it for you, if you feel unable. Perhaps you can’t see the unlit candle in the dark; no matter, even the darkness is as light to God. He is able to light it. So, even if you can’t see him, just ask him to do it, in faith. He will do it.

When he lights that candle, you will see it is enough. Nothing more is needed and anything added is a distraction. Just rest and be with him now.

Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. -Psalm 139:12

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