Wednesday, April 4, 2018

take these worries

you see my worries.
You know how disoriented
I feel sometimes.
I don’t even know
what today holds,
let alone tomorrow.
I don’t know whether
I will enjoy health,
be afflicted with disease
or awaken from sleep again.
I don’t know how much work I will have.
I don’t know whether I will have plenty
or if I will be poor.
I don’t know whether my efforts
will be successful
or result in meager outcomes.

I wonder about the rhythms
of work and rest,
prayer and action,
speech and silence.
I wonder what will become
of your people—
and what will become of me,
whose vocation is your people.
I worry that we are caught
in an endless cycle of division,
like Zeno’s paradox—
never able to finally bridge the distance.
I worry that we are caving in on ourselves.

If you could grant me focus,
I’d be grateful.
I’m not asking for clarity, though;
just faith.
Grant faith enough for one more step.
And grant even just a small blessing with each step, Lord—
because you know my faith is weak
and I need reassurance.

Help me draw strength
from those who are with me on this journey,
whether my companions are seen or unseen.
I’m willing to be stripped, Lord,
if poverty and nakedness
will help me be closer to you
and look more like you.

Just show me what gifts,
what special talents
you have given me,
and give me wisdom,
strength, grace
compassion and humility
to use those gifts well
so I can know you more
and others can, too.



Take These Worries
a prayer by Troy Cady

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