Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Queen Sabbath in recovery

Queen Sabbath
was in her palace in time
last week, relishing the shade
of the Tree of Life—
the holy of holies—
where the goal
is not to have but to be,
not to own but to give,
not to control but to share,
not to subdue but to be in accord.

Vulnerable in her mature innocence,
she sang sweetly to the children
growing inside her
when the knowledge of evil
came near,
stuck a gun barrel up her vagina
and pulled the trigger.

Today, she’s in recovery,
mourning her loss,
but still alive
by some miracle—
the unquenchable desire
of the Lover for her Beloved,
and the children’s
returned attachment,
suckling at her breast.

The seeds of souls deceased,
now scattered in our hearts,
will fertilize her possibilities,
find rich soil in her uterine wall,
grow strong lungs
and—in time—wail loudly
these now-silent cries.

Meanwhile, the absurd restless
look to presidents and politicians,
star athletes, actors and actresses—
those who have taught them
to have, own, control and subdue.
They respond to interviews
with stillborn soundbites—
saying, “Be strong.”
But tomorrow
they will carry on
acquiring temporary wealth,
nursing the knowledge of evil,
arming and pulling the trigger,
then comforting afterward.

Still the restless put their hope
in these jesters of Eliot’s wasteland.

Queen Sabbath,
may we remain by your side.
Pull us close,
wounded Bride.
Forgive us and lavish us
with kisses.
Taste our tears
falling on your lips.
Feel our heaving, gasping bodies,
laying by your breast—
praying, “Heal.”


Queen Sabbath in recovery
by troy cady

*words in italics are from Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2005), 3 and 12.

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