Sunday, February 17, 2019

the Good Samaritan: a prayer

My prayer today is inspired by the parable of the Good Samaritan that Jesus told to an expert in the law who was trying to justify himself. I invite you to pray it with me.             -Troy


continue your patient work in me,
that my life would be patterned more fully
after the work and words of Jesus.

I confess that I still have much growing up to do.
I know that, as I go through life, you direct my steps
to help others who are in need—
but, too often, I am like the priest and Levite of Jesus’ parable,
too self-centered to see, too busy to stop,
too concerned with my own version of righteousness to care.

And it is no excuse
that there are many others who join me in this.
Sadly, we’ve even found ways to slander
those who extend your care to the helpless.
We like to enjoy our friends and family
(all those who think and behave like us)
while Othering our enemy.

Forgive us for our neglect. Forgive our self-righteousness.
Forgive us for trying to confine your grace
to our special, sheltered Sunday morning place.

And do a new work in us. Change us.
Move us outward towards others.
Help us to notice those you have placed right before us each day
and help us to see you in those we like to Other.
Empower us to get beyond just going through the motions.
Spirit, show us how to get caught up in your life,
to join you in the re-creative work you are doing
in every place and in every person we meet.
Stir us up, Lord—
lest we only remain here like dust that has settled.
Move us outward in love,
trusting you to supply all we need along the way.
Pattern us after the person and work of Jesus,
who—wonder of wonders—became both
the plundered, wounded traveler and
the merciful outsider for us, all because of love.

In His name we pray, Amen.

Photo credit: "Good Samaritan" by Twitter Trends 2019 on Flickr. Creative Commons License.

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