Saturday, April 20, 2019

miracle of miracles

True story: I should have died
when I was two.
I was playing someplace
my father couldn’t see me—
right behind the back wheel
of his truck,
right in the blind spot of his mirror
as he backed out of the driveway.
I’m told my dad screamed white hot.
They thought I was dead
but back then they prayed for a miracle,
sparing every breath they could for a miracle.

When I tell that story today I’m told by many:
“Don’t hold your breath,
it probably wasn’t a miracle.
Children so young have
very soft bones.
It had to be science.”

So, now that I’m grown and know better,
I don’t know what to believe.
Maybe my life isn’t a miracle, after all.

True story: I was dead
around thirty-two
when my Father’s face was hidden from me—
could he see me here in my suffering?
I’m told he screamed white hot.
My family, my friends didn’t hold their breath
waiting for a miracle,
so the earth herself—the Father and Spirit—
held humanity’s collective gasp for them
all day that Saturday.

And miracle of miracles
the something of Sunday sprang from
the nothing of Saturday—
and the new creation far outshines
the old creation.

So, you can say I’m naïve—
no wiser than the child
who almost died—
but I do believe
life is a miracle after all.


miracle of miracles
by troy cady
on Holy Saturday


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