Monday, March 25, 2013

bid good riddance to list-keeping

Lord, you are good with sweetness 
and sweet with goodness.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

The authentic Christ-follower should not behave as though they just sucked a green lemon dry. God’s goodness is sweet, not sour.

There is a gladness that accompanies the experience of Christ’s grace. The brightest eyes I have ever seen were gladdened by the freedom of forgiveness and the glory of grace. They can become your eyes, too.

I once knew a man who was large in both body and soul. He was a good man and he was joyful. Perhaps he was joyful because he was good—and he was good because he was joyful.

This is a way of the heart. It is not about list-keeping and back-whipping. Compelled obedience embitters if it is not compelled by love and love alone.

We have returned to that old theme, haven’t we? Be loved. You may as well let yourself be loved for you are beloved. God’s love for you is enough to feed your soul and fuel your sanctity.

God is good because he is sweet; and he is sweet because he is good. Don’t doubt this. Just receive it.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good."
Psalm 34:8

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