Monday, December 16, 2013

20 shortcuts to unhappiness

Go ahead. Be miserable. I give you permission.

In fact, let me give you a hand with it, okay? Here’s a list of twenty things you can do. I purposely made the list short so you could keep it in your wallet, pocket or coin purse. Which one of these are you good at? Which one needs more practice? 

20 Shortcuts to Unhappiness

1. Eliminate risk.

2. In everything, compete.

3. Live in the past.

4. Neglect gratitude.

5. Expect disappointment.

6. Insist on conformity.

7. Don’t exercise.

8. Justify yourself. Blame others.

9. Get busy.

10. Argue.

11. Believe virtual reality.

12. Pray less; worry more.

13. Eat on the run.

14. One-up others.

15. Hoard money.

16. Limit mystery.

17. Smirk at strangers.

18. Nurse insults.

19. Exact revenge.

20. Form a clique.

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