Sunday, February 8, 2015

whatever is gathered

Father, you gather us to you through the work of your Son, Jesus. We believe that is how you change everything.

Whatever is gathered to you changes and is itself changed. We give you our lives so we may participate in that wondrous work.

So, we pray, gather us to
heal the sick,
feed the poor,
and surround the lonely with friends.

Gather us to
welcome the outcast,
reconcile enemies,
and enlighten the darkened mind.

Gather us to
invigorate the apathetic,
open the clenched fist,
and soften the hard heart.

Whatever is gathered to you changes and is itself changed. Glorify your great name; do this work that only you can do.

In faith and worship, by Jesus’ name we pray,

whatever is gathered
a prayer by Troy Cady

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