Sunday, October 22, 2017


Lord Jesus,
You have carried the weight of our accursed sorrows
on your blessed shoulders.
God of beauty, you became ugly and disfigured
when we beat you.
Perfect Son of Man, you were pierced.
Whole and holy one, you were crushed because of our sin.

Why did you do it?
Couldn’t there have been another way to save us?
Couldn’t there have been another way?

Yes, Lord, we hear you:
There is no other way with you but the way of love.
There is no other way.
You were broken because of your great love for us.

So I offer you my unending gratitude today—
I give you my life.
Thank you for your indescribable love.
It’s a mystery to me, that you,
Son of God, would be broken for someone like me.

And I pray: if this is what brokenness does…
break us, Lord. Break our hard hearts.
Break our take-me-seriously wisdom by
the laughter of your foolishness.
Break our pride. Break our inactive comfort;
break our active self-sufficiency.
Break our selfishness.
Break our prayerlessness.
Break our suspicion and hatred.
Break our disdain for others.
Break our division within and without;
make us whole and make us one.
May we be broken as you were broken;
may we be broken according to the
measure of your love for us.
Break us.

In Jesus’ Name,

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