Monday, November 12, 2018

Jeremiah, the prophet. Today.

Jeremiah, the prophet. Today.
by troy cady

sometimes I feel
like the best I have to give
will never be good enough.

I’m tired, Lord.
I’m tired of letting others down.
I’m tired of being misunderstood.
I’m tired of the criticism.

You know what I’m thinking, Lord:
“What’s the point? Why bother?
No matter what I do,
no matter what I attempt,
I fall short.
So, why keep trying?”

I give up, Lord.
I’m tired of trying.
I’m tired of crying.
I’m just tired, Lord.


Who am I
and where are you?
What do you want me to do?
Do I have any gift to offer others,
anything that blesses
without causing offense?

I feel exposed, Lord—
like I’m surrounded
by those who
smile when I see them
but scoff otherwise.
I’ve no one to turn to, Lord.
I’ve no one to trust.

Is this my calling, Lord?
I felt certain in the past,
but now I’m not so sure.
I feel like a fool.


My friend said I may need
to make a home
in the sadness
for a while,
to stay with it
for a season.

And I suppose that was you speaking, Lord.

In that case,
I want to ask you, I need some insight:
“Is this what it feels like
to be ready for one final winter?
Tell me, because I don’t know
and I want to feel something,
I want to care
about crying in the darkness.
Tell me, because I don’t want
to set myself up
for one last death
much, much too early.”


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