Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Real Lord's Prayer

My prayer today is an attempt to respond honestly to the prayer Jesus taught his friends to pray. I invite you to pray it with me.  -Troy


If I’m honest
my prayer is more
hallowed be my name
than Thy name;
I want to be remembered
and honored, famous,
well-spoken and well-spoken of.
Thus, this plea for forgiveness
is my go-to prayer—
would it become my ability to forgive!
See, I hold grudges; they comfort me
in the self-assurance that I am right
and they are wrong.
I delight in the misfortune of
all those who’ve hurt me.

And I pray “Give me more bread”
when I have in excess already.
I throw away what I could have shared.
I scrape, disbelieving the openness
of your heart and hands.

And, I’ll be honest,
I like the feel of temptation; it’s thrilling.
I like its ease of access these days,
its instant digital delivery.

Jesus, I wonder:
did you mean it
when you said
people like me
should pray
your Prayer?
Yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory—
but does my life assent
to your authority?
Too often I pray “My will be done.”

And I wonder: can you be my Father
if I do not join with others
who are unlike me,
saying “Our Father”?
If I do not love
my brother, sister,
neighbor, stranger and enemy,
can I say I love you?
How can I love what I don’t see
if I cannot love what’s right in front of me?

And I wonder:
how many other hypocrites like me
could there be?
How many others
will utter the words
you taught us to pray today,
merely mouthing a pretend piety?
How many of us need rather to shorten our plea,
saying simply, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

My honest prayer is that you would
keep being patient with me
as I learn your ways of love.
I’m helpless—so, be not far from me;
rather, go behind and before,
to my left and right;
be the Spirit in the air I breathe,
Father in the heavens,
ever-near and always approaching,
immanent and imminent.
Be in my looking and thinking.
Help me to listen before speaking.
Move my heart to share with others;
move my hands to acts of mercy.
Purify my spirit; by your grace
grant me a second innocence.
I know I don’t deserve it, but
make me a child who joins
with other children in your kingdom—
singing, “Our Father!”


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