Sunday, April 14, 2019

today's Hosanna

Gracious Father, be near all those who live in fear
of being taken to task for making even the smallest mistake.
They feel harassed and helpless, trapped.
Rescue the powerless, crying out
from under the thumb of a merciless bully.
Take the side of the poor, for the rich already have options—
they can come and go as they please,
but the poor have no one to defend them
and they suffer insidious, perpetual abuse.

Father, there are too many people today who have no choice
but to work at jobs that are insignificant to them.
They feel as though they have been reduced to nothing
because they find no satisfaction in their labor,
no room to be creative and no dignity
in how they spend their working hours.
They work out of compulsion for rewards they will never see
because the fruit of their industry
goes to someone else—they feel like slaves.

Have mercy on them!
They find no rest and they are hanging on
by a thin string, partially frayed, ready to break.
Catch them if they fall. Hold them in your arms.
See them and remind them
of their inestimable worth.

Today we raise our voices as much as we are able.
Hear the Hosanna of those who have been crying out
so loud for so long that they only have strength
to utter in cracked whispers, tired and hoarse,
baptized in a flood of tears:

“Save us, save us, save us!”
“Save us, save us, save us!”
“Save us, save us, save us!”



Today’s “Hosanna”
a prayer by Troy Cady
on Palm Sunday 2019


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