Sunday, February 22, 2009

the razzies

A Razzy is an award you don't want to win. The Razzies are held every year prior to the Oscars. The awards show exists to "honor" those members of the movie industry that produce the year's worst films. Just as the Oscars hand out awards for Best Picture and Best Actor, so the Razzies hand out awards for Worst Picture and Worst Actor.

I'm writing this to confirm something that has been on my mind since Christmas. Watching the film "Mamma Mia" with my wife was something of a surreal experience.

During the film, I couldn't help but think Pierce Brosnan made an awfully regrettable career choice. Sure, he probably had a blast singing everyone's favorite Abba tunes, but the performance was likely more enjoyable for him than it was for the audience.

The Razzies just confirmed my inkling.

Read this from CNN:
"The approximately 740 voting members of the Raspberry Foundation also found Pierce Brosnan's singing voice sorely lacking. His role in "Mama Mia" earned him the worst supporting actor award.

"'An actor who could not sing, should not sing and arguably did not sing, in a role he should not have accepted,' Razzie hosts Chip Dornell and Kelie McIver said about the former James Bond."

Mamma Mia, indeed!

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