Friday, December 3, 2010

if i had only five minutes to write something

If I had only five minutes to write something, I'd like to write about God's love for you, for me, for everyone.

In these five minutes, I call to mind the many times I've blown it, the many times I've despaired, lost hope. There were those times I snapped at others, grew impatient, tired or defensive. There were also those times when I should have called on the broken-hearted person but just remained mute or immobile instead.

Before I asked forgiveness, God offered it. Before I felt remorse, his grace provided recourse to freedom.

So in these five minutes I can't help but light word-candles that signify new life, joy, and communion. Infinity is welcome if love comes with it. If not, give me just one day of love. That will be enough. Thank you, strong and good God.

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