Sunday, March 17, 2013

only one thing is needed

 "Only one thing is needed.
Mary has chosen what is better."
Luke 10:42

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet while her sister worked. The sister was frustrated with Mary.

In the same way, there are those who think you don’t do enough for Jesus. The way you relate to God seems too easy to them. They’re concerned you’re getting off scott-free. By their estimation you talk too much about grace. There is always a “yes, but” when the topic comes up. They say this because they are worried you will get carried away with grace. It doesn’t seem right or fair to them. Pay them no mind: just get carried away with Jesus because he wants to carry you away with grace.

And that will be enough, the only needful thing. Jesus is listening.

Lord, I am like Mary Magdalene; 
meet with me in simple communion 
when others would have me work for your company.

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