Monday, April 26, 2010

i haven't said thank you yet

Dear Joy,

If I could write you a letter this is what I’d say:

You have been missed.

Your daughter was grateful for the time she had with you in those months before your death. When she returned to college from that memorable visit to Ecuador she never expected she’d have to return to your bedside so soon. That’s when your health took an unexpected turn for the worse.

Still, in the midst of it all, your daughter was grateful for the heart-to-heart talks of those days. She was grateful that you helped her pick her wedding dress. And I was grateful to have met you the previous summer. On our wedding day you were there, if not in body—certainly in spirit. It was a joyful day and you were missed.

We have borne you two grand-children. Their names are Meaghan and Nicolas. We gave Meaghan your name as her middle name in hopes of carrying on your legacy. I’m sure you would be proud of her if you were here today. She loves God with all her heart. You’ll also like to know that she has your sarcasm and love of people. And Nicolas…he would like to tell you some jokes and dance for you with his sunglasses on. At bedtime he'd give you a big hug and kiss, if you were here today.

Your daughter is a great mother to her children as you were to yours.

We have your picture framed and we have put it on a shelf so that we can see it every day. Meaghan and Nic know you as “Grandma Joy.”

Your daughter has honored your memory. She has carried your spirit with her in persevering dignity and quiet respect. We are making a move right now and don’t know what the future holds, but Heather remains hopeful and trusting in the midst of the uncertainty. I’m sure her posture of strength was given to her by you.

By the way, you also modeled hospitality for her and she has followed in your example.

We made it into missions, you’ll be happy to know. And your grand-daughter has said she’d like to be a missionary, too. The Ecuadorians are proud to call you one of their own. You are part of their land, they say. There were many Ecuadorians at your funeral because you loved them.

I guess I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the example of your faith. Thank you for living life with such a generous heart.

I haven’t said thanks to you yet, so I thought it was time.


Papa God,

Will you please read this to Joy?


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