Thursday, September 20, 2018

images of God on my street

Images of God on my Street
by Troy Cady

When I look at you
I see God’s image in you—
and here is what I see:

I see a people of noble work—
teachers and healers,
artists, mothers and fathers,
designers who make beautiful places,
cooks and historians,
scientists and students,
carpenters and ethicists,
actors, directors and costumers,
players with children
and organizers who keep things running smoothly,
innovators, pastors and music-makers,
gardeners, animal-lovers and accountants,

lovers of the world,
her people, plants and animals,
sea, sky and the great beyond,
held together by invisible, vibrating strings,
like music’s singular living spirit.

I see God in you.
You look out for the dignity of others.
You enjoy color.
I see hope and joy in you,
heartache sweetened by resilience.
I have seen laughter
in your chest, eyes and mouth,
tongues savoring delicious food and drink.
I have been with you
in the blue sky, over the lake,
and I have seen your beautiful feet
flattening the grass of my front lawn
and I imagine those feet as
Jesus’s, the good shepherd,
who gathers all those he loves—
those who gather just because of love,
just because it’s good to gather,
to know and be known,
to enjoy and share, like God,
like images of God.


neighbors: for people whose names you know

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