Monday, December 14, 2020

two little lights


Our little Bernard Street neighborhood group welcomed two newborns last week. Two little lights to brighten these days leading up to the winter solstice when the darkness is still growing. I suddenly feel that we have been given a peek into what is to come…reasons to hope, to be joyful, to renew our commitment to just love one another.

As I pray this morning for these two new lives in our midst, I am reflecting on the worth of every human life. Our worth does not depend on what we accomplish and it does not hinge on how well-known we are. You don’t need to have great riches to be valuable; you don’t even have to be useful or particularly skilled. Life is valuable just for life’s sake. To love and be loved, you don’t even need to possess the ability to understand words or form them in order to communicate. Just the act of noticing what is there can be a way of loving. Just listening and reaching out, holding and touching is enough, being with.

In the midst of so much strife, let us stop to honor the wonder of life, to see the inestimable worth of each beloved soul.


two little lights

reflections by troy cady



*Photo by Charles Deluvio via Unsplash. Creative Commons License.  

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